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Privacy Policy



Privacy Policy
Your privacy is of utmost importance to us. This Privacy Policy ("Policy") has been crafted to inform you about the treatment of personally identifiable information and other data collected and stored through the websites of Spa Marc Inc. Spa Marc Inc. websites include, but are not limited to, This Policy specifically pertains to information collected by the website and does not extend to information posted in public areas or on third-party websites, except as outlined herein. It is important to note that this Policy does not impose any obligations on Spa Marc Inc. that are not already mandated by state, federal, or other applicable laws.

 The website is owned and operated by Spa Marc Inc. For any inquiries regarding this Policy, please contact Spa Marc Inc. at or by calling 818.588.4935

 This Policy is incorporated by reference into the Terms and Conditions Agreements agreed upon when entering It is governed by and construed in accordance with the internal laws of the State of California, without reference to conflict of law principles. By accessing any part of the site, providing personally identifiable information and data to Spa Marc Inc., you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the State of California for any disputes or actions that may arise. This Policy remains independent of Spa Marc Inc.'s offline personal data collection practices.

**What and How We Gather Information From Users.**
The information we acquire from you aids in personalizing and enhancing your experience at The types of information we gather include:

  1. **Information You Provide:**
    We receive information when you register for, create an account, or make purchases through the website. Providing Personal Information is voluntary or necessary for intended purposes.
  2. **E-mail / Opt-Out:**
    When we request Personal Information, such as an e-mail address, you have the option to 'opt-out' of providing such information. You may also manage your preferences at any time through your profile settings.
  3. **Automatic Information:**
    We automatically receive and record certain information when you interact with us online. This includes your Internet Protocol (IP) address, domain name, and browser information. Additionally, we use "cookies" to record your activity on, helping us understand your preferences and diagnose problems.

**How we use your information:**

Personal Information may be used to create personalized content, services, and advertising on We take commercially reasonable steps to ensure the reliability, accuracy, completeness, and currency of your Personal Information.

**How and when do we share your information:**

In addition to the third-party sharing previously discussed, we may share Personal Information:

  1. **Aggregated Usage Information:**
    We may provide statistical, non-personal information to third parties for diagnostic, billing, and sales purposes.
  2. **Links & Advertisements:**
    External links provided on are subject to their own privacy policies. Third-party technology for serving advertisements may involve cookies governed by their policies.
  3. **Unsolicited Information & Ideas:**
    Communications sent to are not confidential, and Spa Marc Inc. is not obligated to refrain from using them. Senders are responsible for the content, and Spa Marc Inc. may use the content for various purposes.

**Processing of Personal Information and Data.**

Spa Marc Inc. may process the Personal Information it collects in the United States of America. By using and providing Personal Information, you consent to this processing.

**More Information About Cookies.**

Cookies enhance your web browsing experience. You can manage cookie settings through your browser. Disabling cookies may limit the features available on 

**Sharing with Third Parties:**

We may share Personal Information with third parties to provide requested services or products, with your permission, or as outlined in this Policy. 

**Protection of Collected Information:**

While no data transmission method is entirely secure, Spa Marc Inc. makes commercially reasonable efforts to protect Personal Information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction. Data collection and processing may occur in the United States of America.

**Learn More About the Information Collected:**

For questions or concerns about the information collected or this Policy, contact us at 

**Your Rights:**

In addition to specified rights in this Policy, you have the right to object to the processing of your Personal Information and access information about its processing. You also have the right to amend, rectify, complete, update, lock, or delete inaccurate, incomplete, or outdated Personal Information.

Spa Marc Inc. does not knowingly collect data or Personal Information from children under the age of 13 years. If you are under 13, please refrain from providing any Personal Information. If you suspect that a child has provided Personal Information to Spa Marc Inc., contact us at, and we will make commercially reasonable efforts to delete that information from our databases.

**European Union Residents:**

If the GDPR applies to you, you have rights regarding access, correction, deletion, and data portability. You may withdraw consent and object to processing based on legitimate interests. For more information, visit If unsatisfied with our response, lodge a complaint with the data protection authority in your country.

**Change to Privacy Policies:**

We reserve the right to change this Policy without notice. Check this page periodically for updates. By continuing to use, you accept any such changes.